The coastal settlements not far from Punta del Este are called South American Sant-Trope. Light buildings are buried in verdure and flowers . Alan Faena, a famous Argentine couturier, chose this place to build a summer house for himself and his friends. A path leads from blue gates to snow-white wooden building, embraced by a veranda. Both in his work and everyday life, Faena loves bright colors in the most unexpected combinations. That accounts for the house's interior: gaudy of colors and blending of cultures. The central room of the house plays such a broad spectrum of roles, that it can hardly be called a sitting room. There is a dining table and couches on one side, a big bed and master's private nook, on the other. Variegated rugs cover striped floors. Rich Guatemalan plaids and shawls are thrown over eucalyptus furniture units, traditional for Uruguay. Motley Brazilian vases can be seen everywhere. An antique canopy, brought from Argentina, hangs over the dining table. Screens from Bali and huge candlesticks with religious images complete the color collage.
latin loveliness
Just found your blog and I love it! I'll be back!
oh that porch swing is divine! i want to be there right now!!!
these pictures look so cool, i love everything in them. Thank you for the post
i always love it when people are unafraid to use colour & actually get it right. Great spaces, great colour.penl
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